The Task: In a Group of 4 create a Buisness Pitch and Plan using one of our interactive tilt gaming seat
The brief: Develop a Buisness Pitch, executive summary and Buisness Plan using our interactive gaming seat. Presenting the pitch to a possible investor.
The Buisness Pitch:
As a Team we presented our new Apex 1 Gaming seat buisness pitch, for possible investment.
The Executive Summary:
Showing buisness summary of where we are and where we are going, providing an overarching summary of the work done by all of us and me personally.
The Buisness Plan:
The buisness plan is a more in depth view of all our information pertaining to the Buisness plan:
- Showing personnel responasbilites and skill
- Showing product features and exploded view
- Providing greater data on the problem
- In Depth detail on marketing and sales
- Showing Buisness operations & bought in components
- Providing a risk analysis for the Buisness
- Describing funding requirements to move the buisness forward
- Providing an appendix for said plan
Improvements Moving Forward:
To improve the project next time, more preplanning for the initial set up of business. By Taking the rest of the team through each others sectors, we would understand our own sectors and the business better overall, increasing formatting + branding efficiency