Freelance Task: Develop the New Single Cover Art for 'The Drain'
The Brief: Using the clients Data and Idea, Create their Single Art work, to emphasise the artists and the styling of the song.
Ensuring the Production and Art Logo's are added into the design to support The Teams Music Growth
Looking into atributes that would suite the theme of the single, and the styling wanted by the clients
Initial design ideas based off the provided data from the client. Using the styling initally provided to understand individual positioning and iconography.
Taking the prefered idea and adding in new specifications provided by client and adding more gore and fear into the design styling.
Then taking the idea and using it to generate possible AI based design ideas, picking the best options to take over.
I then tested and combined the AI generated Backgrounds with the inital artistic concept, adding the best attributes together.
Once the design was chosen it was about excentatiing the style with the GTA virtual or Ficticous attributes of the song. Creating a Visual Board to inspire that.
Creating numerous options based on the prefered design and GTA styling. Getting the clinets to choose their prefered designs. To Develop further.
Adding more GTA atributes into the design. Testing Fonts and AI development Technicques to find the prefered attributes to add to the graphic.
This was then refined by finalsing the graphics and highlighted features.
Focusing on the micro details such as Name font, Production and Art Logo's, adding Blood and testing features.
Choosing the best options, to then give to client and allow them to choose the prefered design and see if anything more needs to be added.
Once Done, the design needed to be Rasterised to Highlight the images of the artists, to Lighten up and make their images the feature of the single art.
The Final Design:
Improvements Moving Forward:
Provide the client with both their ideas and my own, to expedite the ideation process.